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Hawes Elementary

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Hawes Highlights - week of March 10

Posted Date: 3/10/25 (:00 AM)

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Be Hawesome
Thank you!

A big shout out to: to Carolyne Andreae, Katie Calvert, Kim Edick, Kyliegh Kramer, Jenna LaSota, Kelly Mahnken, Amy Nyhus, and Roger Rodriguez for their help chaperoning our 2nd grade field trip; to Kira Babb, Julie Irby, Alaleh Khosrowpour, Jacob Ramirez, Don and Kelly Rizzi, and Amber Spencer for helping with our rainy day Wdnesday; to all who submitted their enrollment surveys by the deadline; to Jennifer Minevich for organizing our movie night event and to all of her helpers - Sarah Kreig, Mary and Mark Wilson, Jenna La Sota, Annie Zitt and Emily Selna: to Sarah Belitz and Kristin Becking for their help in passing out frozen treats to our TK students from PTSA; and to all who attended our all school assembly on Friday morning.

We thank you for your time, dedication and hard work! We are appreciate your support and help!

#BeHawesome #HawesNation
School Information
The Details for the Week:
Here are some of the key events and things to know:

Dance class is this week.

Hawes School Presents at the HBCSD Board Meeting: On Tuesday at 6 pm, we will be presenting to the school board information about our art and dance programs. Student Council helped with the presentation and students in 4th and 5th grade have been invited to help with our dance demo!

PTSA Dine out Day is Thursday from 4 - 9 pm at Polly's Pies. Celebrate Pi day and our PTSA by dining out at Polly's on Thursday!

Trimester and Attendance month 7 ends on Friday: We will be pulling reports on AR goals as well as attendance to review student progress as we work on report cards, which will be sent home on Friday, March 21.

5th grade panorama picture: is scheduled for Thursday, March 20. Please look for information about this from your 5th grade teacher.

FV Skating Party: Our next skate party is scheduled for Thursday, March 20 from 4 - 6 pm. See below to purchase tickets and for more information.

March MegaSkills Family Activity Challenge: is attached and was sent home with our students.
Rainy Day Procedures
With more rain in the forecast for this week, dismissal ONLY changes if it is raining at the time of the bell. If it is NOT raining at dismissal, dismissal will remain the same. If it is raining, please remember the procedures for rainy day pick up:

  • TK pick up as normal.
  • All Kindergarten students are picked up by the K gate. This gate is open to parents to allow them to get their K student and then walk out the black gate on the playground to get their children in grades 1-3.
  • gr. 1- 3: Parents will enter through the gate at Hawes Park ONLY and will meet their child at the classroom. Once you pick up your child, please exit the campus as we have students still in class and must maintain a closed, safe campus.
  • gr. 4-5: Students will dismiss as usual. Parents do NOT need to pick up students in these grade levels at the classroom.
  • Parents will not be allowed to enter through the office nor the gate by the library.
  • All parents must exit the campus between the primary and upper grade dismissal time
Thank you for your help in ensuring that your child is picked up and that we maintain a safe, secure school.
Registration information for the 2025-2026 school year
We are now accepting registrations for the upcoming school year. This is for all new, incoming students. If you currently attend TK, your enrollment information will be sent to your home school in the spring and you do NOT need to re-register.

Please understand that your child will not be registered until ALL required documents are submitted and verified.
Independent Study Contracts
If your child is going to be absent from school due to vacation/or travel for four (4) or more days, please contact the school office to request an Independent Study Contract. Please understand that we need at least two weeks prior to the start date of the absence in order to prepare materials. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Independent Study Contracts are requested through Monica Jagiello ( in the office at least two weeks prior to the absence.
  • By law, the maximum number of days for an independent study are 15 days for the entire school year.
  • In order to receive credit for the absence, ALL work must be completed and returned by the due date..
  • Incomplete independent study contracts result in unexcused absences, which could result in a referral to the Student Attendance and Review Board (SARB).
  • Please be respectful of our teachers and staff who spend a great deal of time putting these contracts together. If you are requesting an independent study contract, please show us the same courtesy by spending the time on helping your child complete and return the assigned work upon his/her return to school.
Absent? Please contact the office
We encourage you to plan your trips over the scheduled breaks we have in place. As well, please make plans for day trips to Disneyland and other places for the weekend. We all understand how difficult it is when we are absent from work and the same holds true for students.

If your child is truly sick, please keep them home to recover. Students must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.

If your child is absent from school, please report this absence by emailing: or by calling the school office at: 714.963.8302 then press 1.
PTSA Information
See's Candy Flyer
Polly's Pies Dine out Flyer
Hawes Yearbooks - for sale!
To purchase your 2024-25 yearbook, go to:

If you have any questions or wish to send photos of class/school activities to the yearbook, please email
Spring fling tickets
PTSA Website
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
March 11: HBCSD Board Meeting: Hawes Presents at 6 pm

March 13: PTSA Dine Out Night: Polly's Pie's for Pi Day!/Early dismissal day - TK@ 12:10 pm; Kinder - grade 3 @ 1:26 and grades 4-5 at 1:35

March 14: End of 2nd trimester/end of attendance month 7

March 20: Harvest of the month/5th grade panorama picture at 9:45 am/Skate party of FV Skate Center from 4 - 6 pm

March 21: Report cards go home today

March 27: PTSA General Assembly meeting at 8:45 am

March 28: all school assembly at 8:45 am

April 3: TK Career Day

April 5: PTSA Spring Fling event at Harborside Pavilion

April 7-8: 4th grade Walk through California

April 10: PTSA Dine out Night at Woody's from 4 - 9 pm

April 11: End of attendance month 8

April 14 - 18: Spring break

week of April 21: Earth Week

April 22: State testing begins for 5th grade today

April 23: PTSA Assembly for all students - laser show

April 24: Harvest of the month

April 25: All school assembly at 8:45 am

April 30: 5th grade yearbook ads due today!
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