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Hawes Elementary

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Common Core Standards

With the implementation of Common Core Standards, our students will be expected to apply their learning, think critically, and create and explain their thinking in various ways.  To better understand the expectations and standards for our students, please look at the following documents:

  • The Literacy Capacities "Habit of Mind" Learning Targets illustrate how our students should be able to integrate with the information and learn in a variety of modalities and with depth and complexity.  These targets are expectations for our students as they graduate high school and enter the world of college and careers.  In order to prepare our students for a technology-rich global society, we will start building these skills now through activities and learning across the curriculum in all grade levels.
  • The Standards for Mathematical Practice "Habit of Minds" K-12 Learning Targets illustrate how our students should think mathematically as they solve problems, learn about number sense, and view the world of math as it is integrated into all things that we do.  These targets are expectations for our students as they graduate from high school and enter the world of college and careers.  In order to prepare our students, we will start building these skills and "habits of mind" in kindergarten.