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Hawes Elementary

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Welcome Message

Welcome from Ms. Jennings

Dear Hawes Parents and Community:

Welcome to the school year!  It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your child to Hawes Elementary. I am thrilled to return in person to lead our outstanding team of educators and supportive community as we resume educating our children in a secure, supportive and rigorous learning environment. 

In order to ensure that our children benefit to the maximum extent, I encourage your active participation in the following ways: become a member of the Hawes PTSA, participate in all scheduled parent-teacher conferences, read all ParentSquare messages, volunteer when possible, attend school functions regularly and encourage your child to do their very best. 

By maintaining a cooperative and united effort between home and school, we will provide your child a challenging and positive educational experience in an atmosphere that actively supports them in the learning process.

Your child’s years at Hawes Elementary are important, and we are here to ensure they are both happy and productive.  Again, thank you for your support and all you do to make Hawes Elementary a positive place.  

Please be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

I am looking forward to creating new opportunities with you!

Julie Jennings
