A big shout out to: to Derek Grossman, Monica Heredia, Marc Materie, Angelica Materie, Jennifer Swiftfox, Vivian Nhan, Peter Rabbath, Jezelle Rabbath, Melissa Miller, Christine Grossman, Dan Ta, Helen Tvelia, Kristen Kajita, Breana Davies, Morgan McGowan, Heidi Ehrbar, Stephanie Godfrey, Teresa Bowe, Breanne Keegan, Rebecca Labarba, Kristy Perez, Paige Prelesnik, Krystle Hunkle, Jourdan Crowell, Mai Hoang, Jacqueline Russell, Lindsey Hill, Maria Swanson, and Jessica Doyle for their help with the TK teddy bear parade; to Julie Irby and Brooke Fairman for their coordination of PTSA tile decorating; to Katie Thompson for her help with the backdrop for the choir performance and to Vivian Nhan, Tanya MacCarthy, Dana Rivera, Megan Hauge, Kira Babb, Emily Selna and Jacob Ramirez for helping with rainy day lunch supervision;
We thank you for your time, dedication and hard work! We are appreciate your support and help!
#BeHawesome #HawesNation
The Details for the Week:
Here are some of the key events and things to know:
Lincoln's Birthday holiday is Monday, There is no school on Monday!
Dance class is this week.
Choir Performance: Our 4th and 5th grade choir, under the direction of Mrs, Giradet, will be performing for parents on Thursday at 4 pm in our lunch area. Please enter through the side gate by the library and then the double doors leading into the lunch area to enter. Our students will be watching a performance on Friday morning at 8:45 am.
GATE Make up Testing: is Thursday. If your child opted into testing and was absent, make up tests are scheduled for this Thursday morning.
Color Me Hawesome Jog-a-thon: is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 21 at 1:45. TK students are invited to join us after dismissal with their parents to participate in this fun color run! Based on feedback from YOU, this year there is a way to donate. Sign your student up to raise $ for Hawes at this year's jogathon: link: https://pledgestar.com/hawes/
February MegaSkills Family Activity Challenge: was sent home this past week and is attached to this Enews. Our focus is perseverance and caring. Completed forms are due back on the last day of the month.
Open enrollment window: If you are considering attending a school other than your home school, you must submit a request through open enrollment on the district website. The window is open through Friday, February 21.
Registration for the 2025 - 26 school year: opens on Friday. This is for all new, incoming students. If you attend currently attend TK, your enrollment information will be sent to your home school in the spring and you do NOT need to re-register.
Counseling Connection for February
Our school counselor, Ms. Samoniantz, will be teaching our Hawks about the importance of Good Sportsmanship during the month of February. Throughout the lesson, she will be discussing how to be a good sport at school, how to handle wins and losses graciously, and how we can resolve conflicts peacefully.
Parents can help with this lesson at home by discussing the importance of good sportsmanship with their child. It is helpful to give examples of how your child can be supportive of everyone involved in competitive activities during recess, in the classroom, and outside of school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our school counselor, Ms. Samoniantz, at asamoniantz@hbcsd.us.
Independent Study Contracts
If your child is going to be absent from school due to vacation/or travel for four (4) or more days, please contact the school office to request an Independent Study Contract. Please understand that we need at least two weeks prior to the start date of the absence in order to prepare materials. Here are some key points to remember:
- Independent Study Contracts are requested through Monica Jagiello (mjagiello@hbcsd.us) in the office at least two weeks prior to the absence.
- By law, the maximum number of days for an independent study are 15 days for the entire school year.
- In order to receive credit for the absence, ALL work must be completed and returned by the due date..
- Incomplete independent study contracts result in unexcused absences, which could result in a referral to the Student Attendance and Review Board (SARB).
- Please be respectful of our teachers and staff who spend a great deal of time putting these contracts together. If you are requesting an independent study contract, please show us the same courtesy by spending the time on helping your child complete and return the assigned work upon his/her return to school.
Absent? Please contact the office
We encourage you to plan your trips over the scheduled breaks we have in place. As well, please make plans for day trips to Disneyland and other places for the weekend. We all understand how difficult it is when we are absent from work and the same holds true for students.
If your child is truly sick, please keep them home to recover. Students must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
If your child is absent from school, please report this absence by emailing: Hawesattendance@hbcsd.us or by calling the school office at: 714.963.8302 then press 1.
Hawes Yearbooks - for sale!
If you have any questions or wish to send photos of class/school activities to the yearbook, please email hawesyearbook@gmail.com.
The theme for this year is: Cheers to 50 Golden Years Hawes Golden Spring Fling to help us celebrate our 50th anniversary! Mark your calendars as you don't want to miss this celebration!
As we prepare for this year's event, we are looking for donation items for our live and silent auctions:
- Vacation rentals: Do you know someone with a house in Big Bear? a Condo in Mammoth? A bungalow in Palm Springs?
- Restaurant gift cards;
- Experiences: golfing, Duffy boat rentals, etc.;
- Personal services: hair, massage, make-up, chiropractor, personal training;
- Kids camps and classes;
- Gaming systems;
- Bikes, scooters and skateboards (both manual and electric);
- Amusement park tickets or gift cards;
- Outdoor gear: backpacks, tents, coolers and camping gear; etc.
Donations large and small are welcome! At this time, we are also looking for volunteers to help fundraise for Spring Fling items. If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to: April Bassett (April.bassett@outlook.com or 714.325-9847) for more information.
February 10: No School: Lincoln's Birthday
February 11: Open Enrollment window opens/PTSA Dine out night at Perry's Pizza
February 13: Make up GATE testing/Hawes Choir musical at 4 pm/Early dismissal day - TK@ 12:10 pm; Kinder - grade 3 @ 1:26 and grades 4-5 at 1:35
February 14: End of attendance month 6/Hawes choir performs for the students at 8:45 am/1st grade walking field trip/Registration for the 2025-26 school year opens today
February 17: President's Day Holiday: No School
February 20: Harvest of the month
February 21: Hawes Jogathon at 1:45 pm/Open enrollment window closes today
February 26: Last chance for PTSA direct donation tile decorating after school at the lunch tables
February 28: All school assembly: Unveiling the time capsule at 8:45 am
March 3: 2nd grade field trip
March 7: All school assembly (student recognition) at 8:45 am/PTSA Movie Night - Inside out 2
March 14: End of 2nd trimester/end of attendance month 7
March 20: Harvest of the month/Skate party of FV Skate Center from 4 - 6 pm
March 21: Report cards go home today
March 27: PTSA General Assembly meeting at 8:45 am
March 28: all school assembly at 8:45 am
April 3: TK Career Day
April 5: PTSA Spring Fling event at Harborside Pavilion
April 7-8: 4th grade Walk through California
April 10: PTSA Dine out Night at Woody's from 4 - 9 pm
April 11: End of attendance month 8
April 14 - 18: Spring break
week of April 21: Earth Week
April 22: State testing begins for 5th grade today
April 23: PTSA Assembly for all students - laser show
April 24: Harvest of the month
April 25: All school assembly at 8:45 am
April 30: 5th grade yearbook ads due today!