A big shout out to: to Andi Morris and Ashley Magpayo for organizing Red Ribbon Week and to the many volunteers that helped with all of the activities - Meagan Dolan, Jillian Fenton, Abbie Fletcher, Amanda Gessell, Esther Han, Angela Huang, Christina Jones, Sara Kreig, Rebecca Labarba, Jonathan Magpayo, Bryan Morris, Kristy Perez, Nicole Pichardo, Elizabeth Reid, Nikki Schelin, Amber Spencer, Erica Swanson, Mary Wilson, and Amanda Wray; to Christine Grossman for organizing all of the many pieces of the PTSA Reflections program as well as our judges - Allie Needham, Chau Ha Ngo, Lauren Chandler, Sarah Belitz, Karolina Tyra-Baxter; to all of our 1st grade volunteers who helped with pumpkin explorations - Derek Grossman, Beatriz Heiser, Alaleh Khosrowpour, Van Luong, Allison Needham, Chauha Ngo, Georgios and Pamela Roumeliotis, Rachel Tobiasz, Connie Vandernaald, Kristie Williams-Yowell, and Mary Wilson; to our TK monster mash volunteers - Staci Becker, Teresa Bowe, Stacy Clarke, Nina Cohen, Breana Davies, Jessica Doyle, Stephanie Godfrey, Christine Grossman, Julissa Hernandez, Mai Hoang, Brittany Holbrook, Ryan Jordan, Kristen Kajita, Rebecca Labarba, Marc and Angelica Materie, Morgan McGowan, Peter and Jezzelle Rabbath, Crystal Robertson, Maria Swanson, Jenny Swiftfox, Kristy Perez, Alisha Tredwell, and Diana Wagner.
We thank you for your time, dedication and hard work! We are appreciate your support and help!
#BeHawesome #HawesNation
The Details for the Week:
Here are some of the key events and things to know:
Veteran's Day Assembly: is Friday morning at 8:45 am. We hope that you are able to join us for this annual and very special assembly, hosted by our Student Council and recognizing Veterans and Active Duty from all branches of the military. The details are as follows:
- All are invited to attend, especially Veterans and Active Duty Service people.
- Our Veterans and Active Duty members will have a special reserved seat on the stage in the lunch area. Please sign in at a table in the lunch area. Your name tag will signify your military branch.
- Our students will be sitting at all of the lunch tables and benches. Parents and other guests who are not being honored will be standing in the back and on the sides of the lunch area.
- Please enter through the office after 8:30 am. No one will be allowed into the lunch area prior to 8:30 am.
Yearbook Cover Design Contest: Submissions are due on MONDAY, November 4.
Make up Picture Day: is Wednesday morning. Any student who wants to retake their photo must bring back the original package of photos that was sent home. Students who were absent on our original picture day will be photographed.
Art class is this week.
PTSA Meeting: is scheduled for Thursday evening. Please see the flyer below.
No School on Monday, November 11: We will be celebrating Veteran's Day on Monday and school is closed.
Attendance Round up for Month 2
For the end of attendance month 2, our school wide attendance rate was 97.27%, so close to our goal of 98%. Congratulations to following classes who had the highest attendance rate in the grade level:
TK - Chalabian; K - Ortiz; 1st - Wilfert; 2nd - Zeutzius; 3rd - Cook (highest in the school); 4th - Borns; 5th - Zankich
Way to go to the following classes who met the 98% goal: Zeutzius, Oakes, Adams, Cook, Volk, Borns and Tucker!
All of the students in classes who met the 98% in seat attendance goal of 98% will have a frozen treat celebration at lunch sometime this week.
Chronic Absenteeism rates for the school year: We analyze our attendance data in a variety of ways - one of which is to look at chronic absenteeism rates (10% or more absences in the total number of days of school for the year). Please remember that when we (school, district and state) look at this data, the reason for the absences does not matter. Our goal is to reduce our chronic absenteeism rate to below 4.23%. Here is the current data:
School wide rate: 7.3%
Grade level rates: TK - 16.6%; K - 11.9%; 1st - 3%; 2nd - 7.5%; 3rd - 1%; 4th - 5%; and 5th - 4.6%
Regardless of the grade level, it is important for students to be in class (unless they are truly sick) in order to get the first best instruction.
Thank you for your help in improving this rate.
November MegaSkills Family Activity Challenge
This month we are focused on effort (being willing to work hard) and focus (concentrating with a goal in mind). The activity challenge will be sent home this week and is also attached to the Enews. If you complete 4 activities and return the completed form to the classroom teacher, your child will earn a BRAG TAG for these traits!
Independent Study Contracts
If your child is going to be absent from school due to vacation/or travel for four (4) or more days, please contact the school office to request an Independent Study Contract. Please understand that we need at least two weeks prior to the start date of the absence in order to prepare materials. Here are some key points to remember:
- Independent Study Contracts are requested through Monica Jagiello (mjagiello@hbcsd.us) in the office at least two weeks prior to the absence.
- By law, the maximum number of days for an independent study are 15 days for the entire school year.
- In order to receive credit for the absence, ALL work must be completed and returned by the due date..
- Incomplete independent study contracts result in unexcused absences, which could result in a referral to the Student Attendance and Review Board (SARB).
- Please be respectful of our teachers and staff who spend a great deal of time putting these contracts together. If you are requesting an independent study contract, please show us the same courtesy by spending the time on helping your child complete and return the assigned work upon his/her return to school.
Absent? Please contact the office
We encourage you to plan your trips over the scheduled breaks we have in place. As well, please make plans for day trips to Disneyland and other places for the weekend. We all understand how difficult it is when we are absent from work and the same holds true for students.
If your child is truly sick, please keep them home to recover. Students must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
If your child is absent from school, please report this absence by emailing: Hawesattendance@hbcsd.us or by calling the school office at: 714.963.8302 then press 1.
50th Anniversary Spirit Wear on sale NOW through Nov 10
If you missed the window to purchase the 50th anniversary spirit wear, now is your chance. T-shirts, hoodies and more are on sale NOW. Pre-order online. Orders will b delivered directly to students mid-November.
Yearbook Cover Design Contest
Be sure to look for the flyer that was sent home regarding the Yearbook Cover Design Contest. Be sure to follow the rules EXACTLY! Submissions are due no later than November 4.
Hawes Yearbooks - for sale!
If you have any questions or wish to send photos of class/school activities to the yearbook, please email hawesyearbook@gmail.com.
PTSA Reflection Updates and Winners
Thank you to all our students who submitted an entry for the PTA Reflections contest! We received a total of 21 entries, which will be on display in the activity room beginning on Thursday, November 7!
We encourage everyone to view the art before/after the November 7 PTSA meeting!
Lastly, we are excited to announce the following winners that will be advancing to the next round of judging:
- Literature Primary Division: June H., "The Donut Hole"
- Photography, Primary Division: Maisy S., "Trooper and Goldie"
- Photography, Intermediate Division: Edward B., "The Imperfect Rainbow"
- Visual Art, Primary Division: Cora M., "Best Friend"
- Visual Art, Intermediate Division: Ava B., "We're All Works of Art"
Every student who participated in the Reflections contest will be recognized at the November 22 All School Assembly. Once again, thank you to our Hawesome students for all their hard work!
PTSA Direct Donation Campaign
Our goal is to raise $50,000 (We're 78% there!), and if we have at least 200 families donate at least $25 per student, the whole school will get a popsicle party! We've had 195 families (out of 400) donate so far, so we are SO close!!!
We have a friendly classroom competition going for our fundraising drive! Last week Mrs. Tucker's class was in the lead, and this week Mrs. Zankich's class is on top! Each week the class that has the highest percentage of families donating gets to spend the week with the large RalphE stuffie trophy! Get your donations in to help your class soar to the top!
November 3: Daylight Savings Time ends
November 4: Yearbook cover contest designs due
November 6: Make up picture day/PTSA Dine out Night: Tio Flaco's from 3 - 9 pm
November 7: Early dismissal day - TK@ 12:10 pm; Kinder - grade 3 @ 1:26 and grades 4-5 at 1:35/PTSA meeting at 6 pm (mingling begins at 5:45)
November 8: Veteran's Day assembly at 8:45 am
November 11: No School Veteran's Day
November 13: FV Skate Center Skating party from 4 - 6 pm
November 14: Harvest of the month day (persimmons)
November 22: 5th grade baby pictures are due to the yearbook (hawesyearbook@gmail.com)/All school assembly at 8:45 am
November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving break (no school)
December 4: 4th grade field trip
December 5: PTSA Shopping Fundraiser at Jack's Surfboard
December 6: End of 1st trimester
week of Dec. 9: PTSA Secret Shopper
December 12: Harvest of the month
December 13: All school assembly at 8:45/Report cards sent home/Kindergarten field trip
December 20: End of attendance month 3
Dec 23 - January 3: winter break