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Hawes Highlights - week of January 6

Posted Date: 1/06/25 (1:00 AM)

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Be Hawesome
Thank you!

A big shout out to: Girl Scout Troops 1299, 2298, 8398, 1277 and 2303 for supporting some of our Hawes families for the holidays; to all of the room parents and volunteers who helped with the classroom holiday parties; to all who attended the TK Holiday Sing; and to all of our copy parents and volunteers who help each and every week!

We thank you for your time, dedication and hard work! We are appreciate your support and help!

#BeHawesome #HawesNation
School Information
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! We hope that all had the merriest of holidays and a happy new year!
The Details for the Week:
Here are some of the key events and things to know:

Art class is this week.

1st grade field trip: is scheduled for Wednesday of this week. Please check out the communication from the classroom teacher for more details.

Skating Party: at FV Skate Center is scheduled for this Thursday from 4 - 6 pm. Admission is $10, which includes skate rental. A portion of this comes back to the school!

Vision and Hearing Screening: is scheduled for Thursday of this week. All of our students in grades K, 2nd and 5th will participate in a vision and hearing screening.

January MegaSkills Family Activity Challenge is attached and will be sent home with students this week. This month we will focus on teaching our students about initiative (moving into action) and focus (showing concern for others). Students who complete 4 or more activities and return the form will receive a brag tag.
Skating party information and qr code
We need you!! Playground Supervisor needed!
We are looking for people willing to serve as substitute playground supervisors as well as permanent playground supervisors. The hours for the positions are daily from 8:15 - 8:45 AND from 11 - 1:30 pm. If you are interested in being considered, please email Mrs. Jennings for more information. Thank you!
Register now for after school fee based classes!
If you are interested in registering your child for an afterschool class, registration on is now open. Classes start the week of January 13.
Attendance month 4 - perfect attendance
This month we had 227 students who had perfect attendance (no absences, no tardies and no early outs) for the month. Considering that we had a lot of illnesses going around, this is amazing! These students will receive a brag tag for perfect attendance this week! Congrats to all who have earned this!
Independent Study Contracts
If your child is going to be absent from school due to vacation/or travel for four (4) or more days, please contact the school office to request an Independent Study Contract. Please understand that we need at least two weeks prior to the start date of the absence in order to prepare materials. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Independent Study Contracts are requested through Monica Jagiello ( in the office at least two weeks prior to the absence.
  • By law, the maximum number of days for an independent study are 15 days for the entire school year.
  • In order to receive credit for the absence, ALL work must be completed and returned by the due date..
  • Incomplete independent study contracts result in unexcused absences, which could result in a referral to the Student Attendance and Review Board (SARB).
  • Please be respectful of our teachers and staff who spend a great deal of time putting these contracts together. If you are requesting an independent study contract, please show us the same courtesy by spending the time on helping your child complete and return the assigned work upon his/her return to school.
Absent? Please contact the office
We encourage you to plan your trips over the scheduled breaks we have in place. As well, please make plans for day trips to Disneyland and other places for the weekend. We all understand how difficult it is when we are absent from work and the same holds true for students.

If your child is truly sick, please keep them home to recover. Students must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.

If your child is absent from school, please report this absence by emailing: or by calling the school office at: 714.963.8302 then press 1.
PTSA Information
Hawes Yearbooks - for sale!
To purchase your 2024-25 yearbook, go to:

If you have any questions or wish to send photos of class/school activities to the yearbook, please email
PTSA Website
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
January 6: School resumes from winter break

January 8: 1st grade field trip

January 9: Vision and hearing screening/Skating party at FV Skate Center from 4-6 pm/Early dismissal day - TK@ 12:10 pm; Kinder - grade 3 @ 1:26 and grades 4-5 at 1:35

January 16: Water assemblies for grades TK - 2

January 17: end of attendance month 5

January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - No School

January 23: Harvest of the month/PTSA meeting at 8:45 am

January 30: GATE testing for students in grades 2-4 who were opted into testing by parents

January 31: All school assembly at 8:45 am

week of February 3: Great Kindness Challenge

February 5: Site Council Meeting at 3 pm

February 6: 1st grade Universal GATE testing/PTSA direct donation tile decorating at 1:30 in the lunch area

February 10: No School: Lincoln's Birthday

February 13: Make up GATE testing/Hawes Choir musical at 4 pm

February 14: End of attendance month 6/Hawes choir performs for the students at 8:45 am

February 17: President's Day Holiday: No School

February 21: Hawes Jogathon at 1:45 pm

February 26: Last chance for PTSA direct donation tile decorating after school at the lunch tables

February 28: All school assembly: Unveiling the time capsule at 8:45 am

March 7: All school assembly (student recognition) at 8:45 am
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